Simon Allmer Entertainment




Simon Allmer is a European entertainer, writer and producer. Since the founding of his namesake business in 2020, Simon Allmer has made an impact on popular culture by creating unique Comics, Films, Music and Games that are recognisable worldwide.


His mission is to deliver the most engaging, story-driven entertainment to the largest audience.




The six Allmer Studios operate semi-independently, allowing each to 'play solo' or collaborate in harmony with other divisions, creating a seamless brand experience that continuously 'takes the story further.'


Allmer Comics

Allmer Films

Allmer Music

Allmer Games

Allmer Arcade

Allmer Snacks



Product Catalog 2026

Every product from Simon Allmer Entertainment is assigned a unique product number, consisting of a single letter that represents its product category and the corresponding Allmer Studio, followed by three sequential digits.


Allmer Comics

C001 Season of Crime (TBA)

C002 Futory: Dragon Kingdom (TBA)


Allmer Films

F001 Kissinger (TBA)


Allmer Music

M001 Simon (TBA)


Allmer Games

G001 Pyramid

G002 Nectar

G003 Futory Cards

G004 Elements

G005 Temple

G006 Believe

G007 Futory Cards II (TBA)

G008 Hanging Gardens (TBA)

G009 Capital (TBA)


Allmer Arcade

A001 Seven Wonders

A002 Brain Train (TBA)

A003 Lunyra Explorer (TBA)


Allmer Snacks

S001 Solar-Soda (TBA)

S002 Hot Ice (TBA)

S003 Currino (TBA)



Artistic Partnerships

Simon Allmer collaborates with exceptional individuals to turn visions into reality.


Nele Diel

Illustrator for Allmer Games since 2020.


Mario Binder

Programmer for Allmer Arcade since 2023.


Harald Oesterle

Manufacturer for Allmer Games since 2024.



Business Directory

Business Name: Simon Allmer Entertainment

Business Structure: Sole Proprietorship

Owner: Simon Thomas Allmer


Chamber Membership: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber


GLN: 9110034460716

EORI Number: ATEOS1000139235


IBAN: AT881200010013132922

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